Cap Kids Educational Resources


Cap Kids Educational Resources

CAP Kids educational resources is a downloadable resources for kids age 1-7 it is perfect for home or schooling. Educational resources will sent weekly. Activities which are available from Age 1 to Grade 1.

Cap Kids 1

Age 1 & 2

A monthly subscription to receive weekly educational activities for children between the ages of 1 and 2
The focus of this age group is sensory stimulation which is vital to brain development. This, in turn, will lead to improved development in all areas, including speech, fine-motor and gross-motor development. 


Cap Kids 2

Age 2 & 3

A monthly subscription to receive weekly educational activities for children between the ages of 2 and 3 
Each week we focus on a fun new theme and activities are aligned with the outcomes from the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) ELDAS, or Early Learning Developmental Areas. Activities you can expect to receive include songs, activities to learn colours and shapes, stories, matching games, foundational math (for example one-to-one correspondence, counting out and logical thinking) and sensory activities.


Cap Kids 3

Age 3 & 4

A monthly subscription to receive weekly educational activities for children between the ages of 3 and 4 
Each week we focus on a fun new theme and activities are aligned with the outcomes from the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) ELDAS, or Early Learning Developmental Areas. Activities you can expect to receive include songs, activities to learn colours and shapes, stories, matching games, foundational math (for example one-to-one correspondence, counting out and logical thinking) and sensory activities.


Cap Kids 4

Age 4 & 5

A monthly subscription to receive weekly educational activities for children between the ages of 4 and 5 
Each week we focus on a fun new theme and activities are aligned with the outcomes from the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) ELDAS, or Early Learning Developmental Areas. Activities you can expect to receive include songs, activities to learn colours and shapes, stories, matching games, foundational math (for example one-to-one correspondence, counting out and logical thinking), language and life skills activities. Grade 00 also includes an age appropriate phonics programme and each week will see us learning about a new letter in fun and interactive ways.4


Cap Kids 5

Age 5 & 6

A monthly subscription to receive weekly educational activities for children between the ages of 5 and 6
Each week we focus on a fun new theme and activities are aligned with the outcomes from the South African CAPS curriculum. Activities you can expect to receive include mathematics, life skills and language skills. You will also receive a  comprehensive phonics programme which covers a new letter each week.


Cap Kids 6

Age 6 & 7

A monthly subscription to receive weekly educational activities for children between the ages of 6 and 7
Grade 1 activities are still interactive and hands on, although there is a stronger academic focus. Learners are introduced to skip counting and weekly sight words. There are weekly writing activities, increasing with difficulty as the year progresses. Term 4 introduces geography and we explore and learn about 4 different countries through fun activities.  Activities are aligned with the outcomes from the CAPS curriculum and form a perfect addition to any homeschool or school curriculum. 


Cap Kids 7

Age 7 & 8

The Grade 2 CAP Kids curriculum is the perfect addition for your homeschool or classroom. This curriculum covers all the outcomes of the CAPS curriculum including Life Skills, English Language, Mathematics and Afrikaans First Additional Language. 

This age group is more structured than our younger age groups, while still maintaining a fun and fresh look and incorporating hands on learning. 
Includes weekly overview, planning and activities. 


AGE 8 & 9

CAP Kids Grade 3 homeschooling curriculum has everything you need to homeschool your Grade 3 student on a national standard.

We are fully aligned with the CAPS outcomes and cover the following subjects in fun, hands on ways: English, Afrikaans, Mathematics, Life Skills (including performing arts, visual arts, physical education, beginning knowledge and personal and social well-being) as well as coding and Robotics.

Age 1 to grade 3

Cap Kids 1-8 (Age 1 to 9)

This membership is a combination of all 6 monthly memberships, which includes weekly pdf’s sent to you via WhatsApp or email.

A monthly subscription to receive weekly educational activities for children from 1 to Grade 3

This includes Age 1-2 | Age 2-3 | Grade 000 | Grade 00 | Grade R | Grade 1 | Grade 3


Age 1 to grade 1

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Pay upfront for a year and receive activities every week for 12 months.

Cap Kids Educational Resources - homeschooling South Africa

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