CAP Kids sensory tray and book combo


A recipe book filled with sensory play ideas

13 Pages

A durable leak leakproof white plastic tray


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The Ultimate Sensory Play Book and Tray Combo

F O R  A  M A G I C A L, S C R E E N – F R E E  C H I L D H O O D

Sensory play is when the five senses are actively engaged during play.

This is greatly beneficial during the developmental years as each new sensory stimuli helps create new neural pathways in your baby’s brain.

We are both qualified educators, and moms, who understand the benefits of sensory play and have collaborated to bring you this recipe book of fun sensory ideas.

A special thank you goes to little Ainsley who has tested and approved each of these recipes with a double thumbs up.

We hope you enjoy them all!

Included in this combo is a durable leak leakproof white plastic tray.


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